Our students consistently achieve excellent results in their Cambridge international examinations.
Cambridge international examinations are taken in either May / June or October / November.
Our after-school extracurricular activities programme provides a wide variety of options for students.
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is one of the most recognised qualifications around the world. IGCSE courses are renowned for developing vital educational skills, including recall of knowledge, oral skills, problem solving, initiative, team work and investigative skills.
IGCSE subject courses start in Year 9 and conclude in Year 10. Each subject has a range of different assessment methods, including coursework, practical exercises, and oral and listening tests, projects and written examinations. Many Cambridge subjects value individual points of view and ideas, so it is important that learners develop the necessary skills to able to respond and express their own opinions in writing.
is a private Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) school serving the educational needs of the local and expatriate families that make up the community of Bali.